Lizard Lung

Lizard Lunge, also known as Utthan Pristhasana , is a deep stretch that focuses on opening the hips , groin and hamstrings . This pose helps improve flexibility in the lower body, which can relieve tension in the hips and lower back while strengthening the core muscles.

Correct technique and form

To perform the Lizard Lung correctly, follow these steps:

  • Start in a high plank position with your hands placed under your shoulders.
  • Step your right foot forward and place it outside your right hand so that the knee is bent at 90 degrees.
  • Lower your left knee toward the floor for a deeper stretch.
  • Keep your hands on the floor or come down on your forearms to intensify the stretch if you have the flexibility.
  • Make sure the hips stay square to the ground and breathe calmly as you sink deeper into the pose.
  • Hold the position for 5-10 breaths and repeat on the opposite side.

Common errors

Here are some typical mistakes during the Lizard Lung and how to avoid them:

  • Collapsed hips : Make sure to keep the hips stable and avoid letting them drop to the floor. Keep an even weight distribution between the front and back legs.
  • Knees too far forward : Avoid letting the front knee move too far forward over the toes. Keep the knee at a 90-degree angle to protect the joints.
  • Lack of core support : Remember to activate your core to stabilize the spine and protect the lower back from overload.

Modifications and Variations

To adapt the Lizard Lung to your flexibility, try these modifications:

  • Using blocks : If it is difficult to reach the floor, you can place your hands on yoga blocks for extra support.
  • Raised back leg : For a deeper hip opener, you can keep the back leg lifted off the floor and activate the leg for added stability.

For a bigger challenge you can:

  • Arms on the floor : If you are very flexible, you can lower yourself onto your forearms to intensify the hip and groin range.
  • Back leg tilt : Try bending the back leg and reaching back with the hand to grab the foot, which provides a deeper stretch in the hip and quadriceps.

Reps and sets

Hold the position for 5-10 breaths on each side. Repeat 2-3 times to achieve increased flexibility and relaxation in the hips.

Breathing pattern

Breathing should be slow and deep. Inhale to lengthen the spine and exhale as you sink deeper into the stretch. Use the breath to release tension in the hips.

Videos with different approaches

Watch these videos for instructions on performing the Lizard Lunge correctly:

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