Gorilla Bag
Gorilla Pose, also known as Padahastasana , is a variation of the forward bend that provides a deep stretch in the hamstrings , lower back , and wrists . This asana helps to release tension and improve flexibility in the back of the body.
Correct technique and form
Follow these steps to perform Gorilla Pose correctly:
- Start standing with feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent.
- Exhale and fold forward from the hips while letting the upper body hang heavily towards the floor.
- Slide your hands under your feet, palms facing up, so that your toes rest against your wrists.
- Relax your neck and shoulders and let your head hang down towards the floor.
- Breathe deeply and hold the position for 5-10 breaths.
Common errors
Avoid these mistakes to ensure proper form:
- Overextended knees : Be sure to keep the knees slightly bent, especially if the hamstrings are tight.
- Excessive weight on the hands : Place the weight mainly on the feet to avoid excessive pressure on the wrists.
Modifications and Variations
If Gorilla Pose feels challenging, try these modifications:
- Use a yoga block : If you have difficulty reaching the floor, you can place your hands on a block in front of you.
- Wall support : Stand with your back against a wall for extra support and balance.
Reps and sets
Hold the position for 5-10 breaths and repeat 2-3 times to achieve maximum stretch in the back and legs.
Breathing pattern
Breathe deeply and calmly. Inhale as you lengthen your back and exhale as you sink deeper into the stretch.
Videos with different approaches
Watch these videos for a visual guide to properly performing Gorilla Pose: